Hello from Connecticut! What a crazy 3 weeks this has been! We have finally gotten settled in our new house and it’s starting to feel like home I’m not going to lie, it’s been a rough couple of weeks. I have greatly missed all our family and friends in Utah. But I am back to my old self and really starting to enjoy Simsbury. We have a wonderful ward and a great neighborhood (in fact 2 weeks ago, some of the neighbor kids came over and raked all the leaves in our front yard). It’s been kind of an adjustment to this slower paced lifestyle. For the most part, everything is either 20 to 30 minutes away going on 2 lane roads. I have been so used to Utah driving, that I practically beat my head against the steering wheel when someone goes the speed limit (heaven forbid). There are a lot of things that I will just have to get used to. I’m still in mourning over all the awesome home décor stores that were in Utah. I am excited for this new adventure and look forward to all the fun trips that we will go on. We are planning a New York trip soon to see the huge Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. Yay! Kylie starts preschool next month and is excited about that. Sierra has been sick for a week and a half now with 2 ear infections and a horrible cold. We haven’t had any snow yet which surprises me. Not really looking forward to CT winters
It will be beautiful, but I really hate driving in the snow.
Well, many of you have asked to see pics of the house. Here are some videos of it so that you go see the layout a little bit better. Hope you all have a great week!
Video 1 of the downstairs:
Video 2 of the upstairs